12/20/2005 04:20:00 AM|W|P|Cheap Phone Sex|W|P|Phone sex has been keeping me busy. What can I say? Yikes! New girls all over the place. We have Stacia- http://www.phonesexsuperstars.com/Stacia/ and Jolie http://www.phonesexsuperstars.com/joliesuperstars.htm .... and one of our newest/hottest girls... Miss Alyssa too! http://www.phonesexsuperstars.com/Alyssa/ I need to be updating this a bit later.. I'm going to put some girls on the page.. change it up a bit.. really make this place fun! Cannot wait!|W|P|113508206318174722|W|P|Deck the halls with lotsa Phone SEX!|W|P|cailey@phonesexsuperstars.com